Sunnah Points

  • In Ghazwah Khyber, while our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was poisoned, he took Hijamah at 3 points on the KAHIL, We feel that a cup was applied behind the heart (at the left of the KAHIL), & the third was either a little bit lower to this point or on the right side of the KAHIL; Allah knows the best.
  • Reported by Abu Kabshah Al Anmari (RA) that Prophet Muhammad (SAW) took Hijamah on Haamah & between the shoulders (which is KAHIL)?
  • Narrated by Abu Dawood & Ibn-e-Majah Use Hijamah (wet cupping) on the Qamahduwah (above the nape cavity), for it cures seventy-two kinds of ailments. (Narrated by Tabraani)