Headache: Salma (RA) the servant of the Messenger (SAW) said, Whenever someone would complain of a headache to the Messenger of Allah (SAW), he (SAW) would advise them to perform hijamah.(Abu Dawood Sharif 3858)
Magic: Ibn al-Qaiyum (RA) mentions that the Messenger (SAW) was cupped on his head when he was afflicted with magic and that it is from the best of cures for this if performed correctly [Zaad al Ma’aad (4/125-126)
Poison: Abdullah ibn Abbas (RA) reported that a Jewish woman gave poisoned meat to the Messenger (SAW) so he (SAW) sent her a message saying, What caused you to do that? She replied, If you really are a Prophet then Allah will inform you of it and if you are not then I would save the people from you! When the Messenger (SAW) felt pain from it, he (SAW) performed Hijamah.
Travel: Once he travelled while in Ihram and felt that pain and hence performed Hijamah. [Ahmed (1/305): the hadeeth is hasan (good chain with all the paths)